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3 Ways to Get CE for the Whole Team

3 Ways to Get CE for the Whole Team

Improving patient care involves the entire veterinary team, so why wouldn't we get CE for the entire team? 

For a more cohesive, team-centered practice, you wouldn't want to limit CE to only your veterinarians. That's why we're excited about these specialized education opportunities this year for practice managers, veterinary technicians, and recent graduates.

These CE opportunities aren't one-event-fits-all kind of education—these are designed especially for these roles to address common challenges and get skills training in a hands-on, small-group environment. Not to mention the interactive games and social events, which make the experience even more fun and helps the community grow closer. 

Here are 3 ways practices and get high-quality CE for everyone on their veterinary team in 2021: 


#1: Dr. Jack Walther Recent Graduate Boot Camp – June 23–25

The Dr. Jack Walther Recent Graduate Boot Camp is a 3-day course for veterinarians who are 0–5 years out of school, featuring topics in feline medicine, dermatology, general surgery, and dentistry.

There is an application associated with this event, as there are only 24 spots available. But don't worry, it's only a short essay about how important hands-on training is to you. 

Plus, Viticus Group and its partners are sponsoring registration, lodging, food, and on-site transportation for each participant! You'd only have to pay to travel to Las Vegas, Nevada, if needed. That's a pretty great deal, I'd say.

Following the course, participants receive 6 months of mentorship with members of the Viticus Group Board of Directors. Those interested can find more information and apply on the event webpage.


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#2: Veterinary Technician Symposium I – June 28–30

One of Viticus Group’s most popular events, this year’s Veterinary Technician Symposium will allow veterinary technicians to receive the latest hands-on training in analgesia, physical rehabilitation, and Fear Free® best practices. Working in small groups, participants rotate through active learning stations and participate in collaborative workshops.

In addition to the education, this symposium is famous for cultivating a fun environment for the veterinary technician community with interactive games and themed social events. Click your heels together, because the symposium theme for 2021 is the Wizard of Oz! There's no place like the Viticus Center for hands-on CE!


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#3: Practice Manager Symposium – October 25–27

The inaugural Practice Manager Symposium is a chance for managers to address practice gaps, learn proven techniques, and benefit from a cooperative workshop environment. Sessions will cover topics in the human resources, practice operations, and marketing categories to help holistically strengthen the practice team.

This symposium will run alongside the Veterinary Technician Symposium II, allowing participants from both symposia to enjoy social events together (they'll tie in the Wizard of Oz theme as well). Practice managers interested in enrolling can visit the Practice Manager Symposium webpage.

Andrea Davis, Viticus Group's CEO, says she is "excited to expand the scope of WVC Academy events to include education for groups like practice managers, who do so much to help their practices thrive.”

Check out the WVC Academy page to find all kinds of hands-on CE courses in topics like imaging, surgery, endoscopy, dentistry, and more.



Learn More!

Check out the new courses coming up in 2021 WVC Academy, taught by experts in state-of-the-art lab facilities!


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